Aquatic, Marine, Sea or Water Animals Name List in Hindi and English with Pictures - जलीय या जल पशु के नाम हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में (चित्रों के साथ) .
In this article we will give you names of Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals along with pictures . These Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals names are written in Hindi as well as in English language in alphabetical list.
Exercises on Aquatic, Marine , Sea or Water Animals names is a compulsory part of learning system. The very common school assignments like 10 Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals Names in English or 10 Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals Names in Hindi are there in almost all nursery and above classes in all schools.
# Oyster सीप Seep
# Sea lion सील Seel
We have collected the giant list of more than 20 Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals names with Pictures( photos ) in Hindi and English .
Thanks for Visiting our Blog please share this article Aquatic Sea or Water Animals Name List in Hindi and English with Pictures - जलीय या जल पशु के नाम हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में (चित्रों के साथ)
In this article we will give you names of Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals along with pictures . These Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals names are written in Hindi as well as in English language in alphabetical list.
Exercises on Aquatic, Marine , Sea or Water Animals names is a compulsory part of learning system. The very common school assignments like 10 Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals Names in English or 10 Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals Names in Hindi are there in almost all nursery and above classes in all schools.
What are Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals ?
Animals those live in water are called Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals.List of Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals Names with Pictures in English and Hindi
We have collected the giant list of more than 20 Aquatic, Sea or Water Animals names with Pictures in Hindi and English .
# Coral मूंगा Moonga
# Crab केकड़ा Kekada
# Dolphin डॉल्फिन Dolphin
# Fish मछली Machli
# Frog मेढक Medhak
# Jellyfish जेलिफ़िश Jelifish
# Lobster झींगा मछली Jheenga Machhalee
# Octopus ऑक्टोपस Oktopas
# Otter ऊद Ood
# Oyster सीप Seep
# Penguin पेंगुइन Penguin
# Sea lion सील Seel
# Sea Turtle समुद्री कछुआ Samudree Kachhua
# Seahorse समुद्री घोड़े Samudree Ghode
# Shark शार्क Shaark
# Sponge स्पंज Spanj
# Squid स्क्वीड Skveed
# Starfish तारा मछली Tara Mchli
# Walrus दरियाई घोड़ा Dariyai Ghoda
# Whale व्हेल Vhel
Thanks for Visiting our Blog please share this article Aquatic Sea or Water Animals Name List in Hindi and English with Pictures - जलीय या जल पशु के नाम हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में (चित्रों के साथ)