Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hindi Paheliyan with Answer for Adults

Hindi Paheliyan with Answer for Adults - These paheliya or riddles are specailly collected for adults. The level of these Hindi Paheliya is suitable for adults.

We know riddles or paheliya increase our sense and thinking and logical capacity.

The more we ask or try to answer the more wiser we become.

Hindi Paheliyan with Answer for Adults 

The best collection of Hindi Paheliyan with answer for adults are here , hope you will enjoy and I bet you will ask these to your family , friends and relatives.

#1 Tell the name of that fruit, we eat nude ?
उस फल के नाम को बताओ, कि हम नग्न खाते हैं?

Answer :- Banana (केला )

#2 Name the thing with which you can fill a room with that have no shape ?
 उस चीज़ का नाम दें जिसके साथ आप एक कमरा भर सकते हैं इसका कोई आकार नहीं है ?

Answer : Light (प्रकाश )

#3  Which travels faster than light or wind ?
 उस चीज़ का नाम दें, जो प्रकाश या हवा से तेज़ी से यात्रा करता है?

Answer : Mind or Conscious ( मन )

#4 Can you tell the name of the Document , that will be INVALID if a person on sign it ?
क्या आप दस्तावेज़ का नाम बता सकते हैं, अगर कोई व्यक्ति साइन इन करता है तो वह INVALID होगा?

Answer: Death Certificate

#5 Can you tell the name of the thing that comes only for 24 hours comes in a month ?
क्या आप उस चीज़ का नाम बता सकते हैं जो केवल महीने में 24 घंटों के लिए आता है?

Answer: Date ( तिथि)

#6 Can you tell the name of that thing , women buys once in a year for man?
क्या आप उस चीज़ का नाम बता सकते हैं, महिलाएं साल में एक बार मनुष्य के लिए खरीदती हैं?

Answer : Rakhi (राखी)

#7 Write the sentence that has ALL 26 English alphabet?
उस वाक्य को लिखें जिसमें  अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला के सभी 26 लेटर हैं?

Answer : A quick brown fox jump over a lazy dog.

Thanks for Reading this article Hindi Paheliyan with Answer for Adults, if you want to add any riddle or paheli please share with us or send on email